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Solubilised Vat Yellow 8

Name:C.I.Solubilised Vat Yellow 8 ,C.I.60605

Molecular Structure: anthraquinones

C.I.Solubilised Vat Yellow 8,C.I.60605,CAS 6535-53-1,651.96,C24H16ClN3Na2O10S2,Anthrasol Pointing Yellow 13G

C.I.Solubilised Vat Yellow 8,C.I.60605,CAS 6535-53-1,651.96,C24H16ClN3Na2O10S2,Anthrasol Pointing Yellow 13G

Molecular Formula:C24H16ClN3Na2O10S2

Molecular Weight: 651.96

CAS Registry Number:6535-53-1

Manufacturing Methods : 1-Aminoanthracene-9,10-dione diazo, and N-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-oxobutanamide coupling, And then convert it into leuco disulfate disodium salt.

Properties and Applications:  brilliant yellow. Yellow powder. Soluble in water, solubility are good. In addition to roll the dye, and can also be used to knot dyeing, good levelness, is easy to grasp. Mainly used for cotton and polyester/cotton blended fabric dyeing, printing and can be directly the white printing, also can and fast pigment and fast amine grain dye common printing, and can also be used in viscose, Polyvinyl alcohol, polyester dyeing and printing.

Standard Ironing Fastness Chlorine bleach Light Fastness Mercerized Oxygen bleach Soaping
Fading Stain
ISO 5 6 4-5

List of Suppliers:

Anthrasol Pointing Yellow 13G ( Hoechst A G )

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