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Solvent Yellow 3

Name:C.I.Solvent Yellow 3,C.I.11160

Molecular Structure: Single azo class

C.I.Solvent Yellow 3,C.I.11160,CAS 97-56-3,225.29,C14H15N3,ABCOL Oil Yellow,Dupont Oil Soluble Yellow,Oil Yellow

C.I.Solvent Yellow 3,C.I.11160,CAS 97-56-3,225.29,C14H15N3,ABCOL Oil Yellow,Dupont Oil Soluble Yellow,Oil Yellow

Molecular Formula:C14H15N3

Molecular Weight: 225.29

CAS Registry Number:97-56-3

Manufacturing Methods : (a) will Sodium nitrite (1 Moore) to join O-Methylaniline (8.5 Moore) and hydrochloric acid (1 Moore), the temperature is maintained at 28 ℃ below, until diazotization finish. Add a small amount of hydrochloric acid (about 0.2 Moore), and heating (40 ℃, 3 hours), in order to separate, with Sodium hydroxide for mercerization, and distillation reservoir. In order to get the refined products, usable alcohol recrystallization; (b) O-Methylaniline diazotization, and O-Methylaniline base Methanesulfonic acid coupling, and then with Sodium hydroxide solution common boiling, hydrolysis off Methanesulfonic acid base.

Properties and Applications:  yellow. In the ethanol for yellow sheet crystallization, melting point 100 ℃. Soluble in Acetone, ethanol, Cellosolve and Toluene, insoluble in water. In concentrated sulfuric acid for brown, dilution after red orange solution, and precipitation; In concentrated nitric acid for red brown solution; In concentrated hydrochloric acid partly dissolved for brown; In 10% of the sulfuric acid insoluble; In 10% Sodium hydroxide solution slightly soluble, pale yellow. Dye alcohol solution to join hydrochloric acid red hydrochloride crystal, heating the solution. Used for paraffin color.

Standard Light Fastness Heat-resistant(℃) Water Sodium Carbonate(5%) Hydrochloric acid(5%)
Melting point Stable
ISO General 100 150Sublimation Indissolvable Indissolvable Poor

List of Suppliers:

ABCOL Oil Yellow 170 ( Abbey Color Inc. )

Dupont Oil Soluble Yellow( Pylam Products Co. Inc. )

Oil Yellow 170( Passaic Color & Chemical Co. )

Oil Yellow 170( Pylam Products Co. Inc. )

Oil Yellow 21 ( Pylam Products Co. Inc. )

Oil Yellow 2681 ( Pylam Products Co. Inc. )

Simpsol Yellow 18509 (Simpsons (UK) Ltd)

Sudan Yellow RRA( Pylam Products Co. Inc. )

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