
Mordant Blue 59

Name:C.I.Mordant Blue 59,C.I.51125

Molecular Structure: oxazine class

C.I.Mordant Blue 59,C.I.51125,CAS 1323-97-3,499.41,C20H16N3NaO6S,Chromazurine E

C.I.Mordant Blue 59,C.I.51125,CAS 1323-97-3,499.41,C20H16N3NaO6S,Chromazurine E

Molecular Formula:C20H16N3NaO6S

Molecular Weight: 499.41

CAS Registry Number:1323-97-3

Manufacturing Methods : aniline (cold) and mordant Gallocyanine [by excessive amounts of  N,N-dimethyl-4-nitrosobenzenamine and Gallic acid Methanol in the reaction (in ethanol in reaction incomplete) and be] hydrochloride (or corresponding diethyl compound) reaction, in 100 ℃ to remove carboxyl, then sulfonation and translated into sodium salt.

Properties and Applications: green light blue. Soluble in water as dark blue, soluble in ethanol to purple. In concentrated sulfuric acid for wine red, dilution after partial brown color. Dye aqueous solution to join sodium hydroxide as purple.

Standard(cotton) Ironing Fastness Light Fastness Fulling Persperation Fastness Soaping Water
Alkali Acid
ISO 3-4 3

List of Suppliers:

Chromazurine E( Durand & Huguenin SA )

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